What is a Life Group?
A Life Group is a group of people who experience life and walk in a biblical community together. Life Groups are committed to Bible Study, serving, getting to know each other, caring for each other, and enjoying each other’s company. Life Groups normally consist of 8-12 people who are a mix of new believers and mature Christians.
Who should be in a Life Group?
Everyone. Whether young, mature in years, believer, non-believer, introvert, extrovert, single, married, widowed, divorced, empty nester, young family— everyone can benefit from and be a vibrant part of a Life Group. Although the Bible’s authors didn’t use the literal phrase “Life Group,” the book of Acts and the Epistles of Paul often make reference to the early believers meeting in small groups for study and fellowship (Acts 2:42, 44, 46-47; Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19).
When do Life Groups Meet?
Nearly every day of the week throughout the city (and in some cases at CHCC), there is at least one Life Group meeting. Most groups meet between an hour or two per week and meet primarily during the school year. For more information about when and where our different groups meet, please fill out the form below, and someone will contact you shortly.